
The Open Studios Group first formed in 2000 as part of the Totnes & District Millennium Festival. In that year there were nineteen artists and craft workers. The number has remained fairly constant since that time with an Open Studios event taking place each year at the end of May.

Within the Open Studios framework participating artists have come and gone with the turnover retaining the public’s interest. Two original members remain, although no-one has shown every year.

At each show there has been an interesting mix of media; painters, ceramicists, sculptors, print-makers, photographers, jewellers and weavers.

In 2006 it was decided to include artists from Dartington, so the group was renamed; Totnes & Dartington Open Studios.


Committee Members


Chair: Angela Fahey

Administration: Ann Chester King

Treasurer: Angela Fahey

Brochure Director: Bev Knowlden

Social Media: Bethan Welby

General Committee Members: Verity Newman & Steve Nayar